How do you all feel about the homosexual community?

do u accept?

Answer #1

I accept them. I do not understand why people do not. I mean who the hell are they to say what can and can not happen? People need to grow up.

Answer #2

I accept it because nobody has the right to judge someone because of their sexuality, thats just my opinion :)

Answer #3

I agree !

Answer #4

I dont like it but I dont judge the people who are either

Answer #5

I’m with you on this one :)

Answer #6

I dont mind it. I beleve its their life and either way they are going to do what they want and not change for anybody so why shud it matter? Who you sleep with is your buisness.

Answer #7

i dont get wat the big deal is. who r we to say who others can love. its just so rediculious. love has no limits.

Answer #8

To each his (or her) own. Personally, i’m not all about it, but, i AM all about what makes people happy. The heart wants what the heart wants, and who are we to judge it?

Answer #9

I accept them I mean why should I give a crap its not my life!!!!

Answer #10

i see no reason why the should be accepted.

Answer #11

it doesnt matter. they are not dangerous and they are not hurting anyone. so i don’t see a problem, they are people just like everyone else

Answer #12

I have a good friend who is homosexual. I like him very much.

I don’t have a problem with people being different - as long as they accept me the way I am.

Answer #13

i think if you love the person then you should be able to marry them

Answer #14

Goes into Born This Way in the raving homosexual way that I am

Even before I found out I was gay, I thought, ‘woah. They know how to throw a hell of a party.’

Answer #15

I don’t promote that lifestyle..but I don’t hate them for it. They are just normal people to me

Answer #16

i see no reason why they shouldnt!

Answer #17

they didnt choose it, they arent hurting others, and religion needs to stay the hell out of law and allow them to marry. sexuality has nothing to do with how smart, funny, talented, or amazing a person is. we need to learn to be more accepting, especially homophobes who call themselves christians. what an oxymoron!

Answer #18

heres my opinion: their human like you and me. sexuality has nothing to do with how you are. gay, lesbian, pan, and bi, does it matter? hell no! im pan myself, which means i accept EVERY sexuality out there, and i honestly do. there is no point in judging someone just because they aren’t the same sexuality as you. we all have blood running in our veins, every single last one of us. to me, sexuality is just something that we choose on our own. it shouldn’t affect a thing.

Answer #19

I am so glad to see the younger generation gets it. What two people do in the privacy of their own homes is of no concern to anybody else. Discrimination is wrong whether it is race, ethnicity,religion, sex, or sexual orientation.

Answer #20

i think its normal and fine i completely accept it im not but i know alot of people who are and they are amazing and just as normal as us (we are all people no mater tha color, sexuality ect.) i dotn think its right for people to judge them if it bothers u get over it and ignore it its not u so why should you care?

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