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Does anyone else feel like their brother or sister is treated better than you or get whatever they want?
Oh Yuah, when I was living with my parents, one of my sisters would be favored over me. I didn’t get whatever I wanted and, I was never treated equally. My one sister was treated allot better then me and, I’m so glad to stay away from that terrible roof. So, I know how you feel.
yup the youngest in my situation my sis seems to cry for everything and gets it no matter what wrong things shes done im 14 and shes 12
yes I do all the time my brother is the oldest and I have a little sister so im the middle and it feels like there constantly favored!
yeah im the middle child so I think my mum favors my eldest brother. Sometimes I lock myself inmy room to cry. I somrtimes think that they adopted me. But my dad favors me because im the only girl.
yeah usually the older child or younger child gets treated better sucks if your a middle child like me
Do little sisters ever grow up?
Older sisters are always told to be more mature because we are older. Even though when my little sister gets to that age, its still my fault because I am still older.
Yeah my mother favors my oldest brother and youngest brother even tho’ she says she doesn’t but I’m my daddy’s favorite me more so it’s all good, lol.
YEZ! lol my bros definitly the favorite of the family
-Tiana add me plzz
Yeah!~!~ I’m the middle child so there’s like something either too complicated or just right for the younger one!!
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