What is your favourite episode of "Friends"?

Answer #1

My wife watches this all the time, I am kinda stuck there, but I think Joey makes that show, but they all work well to together.

Answer #2

I like ‘The One Where Ross is Fine’ as I just love his reactions in it. ‘The One with the Routine’ is always good for laughing at too :) A lot of season 9 I enjoy- The One with the Male Nanny and the One With Ross’s Tan (I think it is called that) are a couple of others to point out. It is hard to pick a favourite, there are some I do not enjoy as much, but I think each has some really good/nice moments. The finale is a good one of course, with some laughter and lots of sadness- you really feel for the characters and it is a nice round up of everything that has gone on.

Answer #3

O yes I remember the male Nanny, I loved Ross’s reaction, in this it makes him look a little homophobic.

Answer #4

Yeah, I do not really like Ross that much as a character, but his reactions to things, especially those he can’t get his head around or seem weird to him, are hilarious. I agree with your post that Joey is one of the best ones :) do you remember the one where ‘Joey Speaks French’ from Season 10? I love that :)

Answer #5

Well you have to have a Ross to have a good Joey, or Chandler, just like the women on that show compliment each other, I think it is a very good mix, but my wife has to watch them all, then all the repeats. I am more of a SyFy kind of guy, or action series, like Spartacus Gods of the Arena which has just started.

Answer #6

There’s too many haha i like a lot. I like the ones when Chandler’s ex, i forgot her name the one with the annoying laugh always showed up hahh that made me laugh.

Answer #7

Janice, i do a great impression of her lol xD

Answer #8

hahah she always makes me laugh

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