Favorite Dogs

What is your favorite dog?

Answer #1

my favorite dog is a shetland sheepdog it is like a miniature collie and they are sooo cute my shetland died in january but im over it I miss her though… Shetlands are the BEST dogs ever… they dont bite unless its an accident and they love people!

Answer #2

greyhound great dogs! labs are awsome too!

Answer #3

border collies… and yorkies!!!

Answer #4

a cocker spaniel or a HUSKI! I used to have a cocker spaniel he was the sweetest. && I just love Huskis.

Answer #5

Mixed breed!

Answer #6

cocker spaniel I used to have one

Answer #7

I like shih tzuhs. I think thats how you spell it, and I also love great danes. I dont know what I would do without my great dane

Answer #8

French and English Bullmastiffs :) They’re like big teddy bears :3

Answer #9

I like yorkies :)


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