Who's your favorite character in Lord of the Rings who is not a main character?

I like the mouth of sauron, he has a cute face ;P

Answer #1

Lurtz - he’s the dreamiest Uruk-hai ever! lol

Answer #2

I’m all for Lobelia Sackville-Baggins. Is she in the movie at all? Or is she a book character?

Answer #3

She actually is in the movie, but only seen in the extended version (at Bilbo’s party). She’s the one knocking on the door at the beginning, when Bilbo and Gandalf are about to have tea.

Answer #4

is like nicholas more

Answer #5

Any and all of the elves that aren’t main characters. Seriously, just the entire race.

Answer #6

Haha you should come to NZ - I know a lot of Lurtz-type men (minus the makeup but Im sure that could be remedied!)

Answer #7

Haldir - I look at him at think of Guy Warner, an old character on a bad New Zealand soap opera. It makes me laugh.

Answer #8

Perhaps it’s the way the following characters are drawn by Tolkien in the books, but I’d say Butterbur because a lot of English pub owners and tenants are very like him (and they employ a lot of Neds too!)

Farmer Maggot is implied rather than described, but I’ve met people like him in many countries who’ve been similarly shaped by their environment. I met one such with his family on a train in Italy. He would not eat his lunch unless I shared it with them. I was deeply touched - especially as the buffet car had vanished at the border!

I’ve also met people like the trio of orcs fighting for Frodo’s possessions in the watchtower in Mordor - comic and frightening at the same time…

Answer #9

I liked the tree guy. I don’t know his name but he carried those two hobbits.

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