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About as old as I am - 22. It’s a white teddy bear called snowcap.
I have a stuffed bunny and two stuffed cats that are 20 years old.
Unfortunately, the gypsy-style life in which I grew up meant that I couldn’t hang on to many possessions. Nothing I own is more than 10 years old.
im sory…
im sory…
Nearly 14 years. It’s my teddy called ‘Alice Bear’ but I don’t know how she got her name. Must find out xD
my duck? 6 years old i think
I have a stuffed bear that’s 15 years old :)
I have a stuffed bear that’s 16… and I am 15… it’s older than me. Creepy.
I have a stuffed bear that’s 16… and I am 15… it’s older than me. Creepy.
I have a small bear, my dusty bear, is what it’s called, it’s almost 11 years old. And my baby blanket, my niney, is 13. Well a little over 13 years old.
16 years my blankie has been through some rouch times lol
hmm, most of my stuff was constantly taken away by my mother & given to my younger cousin with swears & empty promises that she would get me a new one…clothes, toys, especially teddy bears yanked right out of my hands!
I would have to say that the last teddy bear I did get from my ex husband was anything from 8-10 years…(i know usually supposed to toss that out since it was from my ex husband & all, but I feel in love with it at first sight at the store…it simply fit perfect in my arms…not too big not too small just right…so hell if I am going to toss that…he keeps me safe on cold wicked winter nights especially when it gets all crazy lightening & thunder…brrrr) I call him Teddy…or Beary! ☺ (hey dont laugh…we all have a littew kid inside us…wight?!) :P
So, yeah, that is my story!
My mother still has little clown that she has had for 57 years….
i had a danold duckhe was my most favorite teddy in the WORLD we use to do everything eat witch each other take a bath with each other and sleep which each other he was my bestfriend and i had him sinces i was a baby 1 years old we both grew up together with my twin sister lol but day my mom sister and me with donald whent to the mall and my mom said to leave it in the car but i didnt listen i was a kid and i didnt want to leave donald in a dark hot car so i took him and my mom was looking at clothing while i was playing with donald and well i couldnt remeber all but i just remember looking and crying cause i lost my bestfriend in a store full of strangers.time past after losing him things got better and bigger [thats what she said] and as i grow older i think of better so yea thats my storie lol ooh im 18 years old so hes 18 years old 2 :-]] i think of him all the time wondering if hes okey and is with a better person :-[[
His name is George, and he still sits on her bedside table, even after all these years he’s in remarkable shape.
15 :p same age as me maa teddy tho hes in my basement lol ;P
WOW thats really cool dude
my mom told me when i was a baby i called him lally bird lol i have noo idea what was in my head cuz thats not even a name LOLZ!
my mom told me when i was a baby i called him lally bird lol i have noo idea what was in my head cuz thats not even a name LOLZ!
really cool lol
this ones a cool story,chillz!
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