Answer #1

its a spanish speaking country

Answer #2

The culture of Peru is by far one of the most diverse in South America. Owing thanks to the natural isolation of the region (the Andes mountains to the West of Peru and the Amazon River Basin both discourage travel by foot into Peru), Peruvians have been successful at preserving the culture of Peru for thousands of years. Even after the invasion by the Spanish conquistadors, the ancient culture of Peru is still evident today.

Over half of Peru’s population lives on the coastal areas of Peru, whereas the rest mainly live in the mountain areas. Less than 5% of the natives live in the jungle areas of Peru. Approximately 45% of the people of Peru are indigenous, and about 37% is mestizo (a combination of both indigenous and of Latin descent). The rest of the population of Peru is Indian, African, Chinese, or of some other descent. The national language is Spanish, but also Quechua is spoken. The cultural capital of Peru is seen by many as Cuzco, where the foundation of traditional Incan heritage and culture is the most evident. In addition, many villages located in the highlands of the Andes mountains also display the most preserved of heritage.

Peru also has an interesting blend of both Inca and Spanish influences with it’s art. Peruvian art is known for it’s deep ties throughout Peru’s history, well distinguished by it’s pre-Hispanic shapes and symbols. This ancient Peruvian art has merged with the art style that was brought across the world by the Spanish conquistadors. The resulting art style is known as naïf, and it gives Peru an interesting diversity with it’s local arts and crafts that is like no other.

Music within Peru dates back literally thousands of years, preserved by the local community. Music plays a large part of the culture of Peru, where many locals build their own instruments. Ancient Peruvian instruments were made from a variety of materials including cane, conch shells, horns, precious metals, and even mud!

And theres more! (: Ps, i just searched in google. (;

Answer #3

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