Why does my fanny itch all the time?

Okay so this is kinda embarrasing but my fanny itches most of the time. Anyone help…. please

Answer #1

okay so this is kinda embarrasing but my fanny itches most of the time. Anyone help… please

Answer #2

talk to a doctor. maybe you have a rash

Answer #3

erm okaii thanks (:

Answer #4

You could possibly have worms, it’s not as unusual as a lot of people think. Go get checked out by a doctor if it’s extremely annoying and doesn’t go away.

Answer #5

oh jeez i hope not. well thanks (:

Answer #6

It could be a rash, or pimples….clean the area well, and then try some anti-itch cream on the area…and see if that helps. If the problem persists, then I recommend talking with your doctor about it. Maybe he can prescribe a cream, or find out exactly what it is causing you to itch there.

Answer #7

Sometimes we overlook the simple reasons… improper cleaning.

This is going to sound gross, but after you poo, tissue does not do a good job of cleaning.

When I took my trip to Thailand last year, I used a simplified Bidet every day, and I’ve been using one in my bathroom every day now. You’re super-clean, no itching in about a year, and also you cut down on the amount of tissue you use dramatically, since its mostly used for just drying.

I’ve attached a video. Grab one from Home Depot, Amazon or some other hardware store, you will not regret it.


Answer #8

rash mabey?

Answer #9

you’re right, that did sound really gross!

Answer #10

Why do we automatically think that the things that can make us better are gross? I guess its just a human thing.

Enemas, anyone?

Answer #11

you’ve probly got thrush babee..

Answer #12


Answer #13

I didnt mean that part, I meant your firdt two lines! In general I thought it was a very sensible non-gross answer!

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