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Were can I buy fake peircings?
Were can I buy fake peircings? or how/what cud I use to make them, at home??? :D nobody really answeres this question :|
just go get it pierced anyway =] I didd
Ooh okayy , I wanna get reall lip peircingss but my mom wont let untill im like, 16 -.- nahh I just want fake ones to play tricks on people :D
google arka gauges, they have some really awesome false tapers, and a possitive they look real.
I sa you get the real thing but if you really want, Claire’s has magnetic ones.
Camden in London online stores ebay
people are going to call you fake non-stop. isay you don’t get them ahaha get the real thing girl!
cause why would you get fakes ones? They fall off and are lost easily and you could just get real piercings.
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Where can i buy a fake bellybutton, nose, and tongue piercing in concord Ca???? - 10 Answers
We have spencers, claires, target, walmart, hot topic etc? i want a clip on bellybutton not magnetic btw thanks:)
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if so can you please give me a good accetone to buy.
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should I buy ray ban sunglasses or theres no point since its close to fall? or it doesnt matter?
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does anyone know where I can buy the M and M cru t-shirt?
Can I use an eyebrow peicing for my tougue webbing peircing? - 1 Answers
I am piercing my own tongue webbing, but I don't know was kind of jewelry to put in it? Is their specific tongue webbing jewe...
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