Were can I buy fake peircings?

Were can I buy fake peircings? or how/what cud I use to make them, at home??? :D nobody really answeres this question :|

Answer #1

just go get it pierced anyway =] I didd

Answer #2

Ooh okayy , I wanna get reall lip peircingss but my mom wont let untill im like, 16 -.- nahh I just want fake ones to play tricks on people :D

Answer #3

google arka gauges, they have some really awesome false tapers, and a possitive they look real.

Answer #4

I sa you get the real thing but if you really want, Claire’s has magnetic ones.

Answer #5

Camden in London online stores ebay

Answer #6

people are going to call you fake non-stop. isay you don’t get them ahaha get the real thing girl!

Answer #7

cause why would you get fakes ones? They fall off and are lost easily and you could just get real piercings.

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