What is a really good face moisturizer?

Answer #1


Answer #2

I agree with the above, they do sale face moisturizer of the mark Dove, and my skin feels great, It is something I recomend.

Answer #3

They do work very well don’t they, I have no complaints and I recommend them as well :-)

Answer #4

well i have eczema, i use Vanicream, a minute after you get out of the shower, put it on within the minute and it works great :D

Answer #5

Cetaphil is really good

Answer #6

I use cetaphil in the tub its freaken awesome plus u can use it for more then just your face

Answer #7


Answer #8

where do you get it?

Answer #9


Answer #10

Cetaphil works really well. It works for sensitive skin.

Answer #11

i know this sounds weird but mix sugar, honey and olive oil together and put it in your fridge overnight and use that before you go to bed but remember to wash it off before you fall asleep i hope this helps

Answer #12

Kaii this prob sounds crazy but at night I put (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) on my face and rub my face with it for about 2-3 minutes and than I go to bed with it still on my face and in the morning your skin will have no acne and it will be softer than EVER and so clean! It’s really really GOOD for your skin! I usually keep a head band in all night though so it doesn’t get in my hair lol :) and I clean my pillow case alot haha :P but yeah its AMAZING! In the morning I wash my face with a warm face cloth or I get a shower haha :) you shouldn’t even have to use face cream! You can google Extra Virgin Olive Oil if you want, it’s good for many other things too! Hope this helped! :)

Answer #13


Answer #14


Answer #15

I use Ponds. All the females in my family have used it since it came out. My grandma is 70 years old and don’t look a day over 45.

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