eyebrow tattooing

what tools will I need to tattoo my own eyebrows’without a tattoo gun?

Answer #1

I WOULDNT COUNT ON IT;AS MY SPECIAL NEW WAY OF PAINTING CERAMICS —NO BRUSH IS EVER USED; THE PAINT NEVER DRIES UNTIL your DONE AND SPRAY A CLEAR COAT ON IT TO DRY …ITS CALLED TRANSLUSUANCE PAINTING;; I’ve DONE QUIT A FEW AND THEIR HERE NOW IF you NEED A PICTURE TO PROVE IT.U USE your HANDS AND PAPER TOWELS…ITS HARD BUT VERY REWARDING WHEN ITS COMPLETE..about the gun , I dont want to use a gun nor purchace one thats not my artistic trait..besides I only want a very tiny line only I visually can see or remember where it used to be…so how deep do I go and do you just dip the needle in ink and puncture or slowly twist the needle? I have a real needle like from hospital where I had to use for pain..so what about boiling it miss thang? not you hungry..

Answer #2

I recenting had a proffessional tattoo of an eligant vine of assorted flowers ; very small and dainty! it starts under my left anckle then comes acccross very thinly to the center of foot which then makes a circle that lines up and is centered perfectly on the top of my foot, sorta like a ? mark but backwards,then at the end which is centered in the middle of foot their is the larger flower…I watched carefully ; as I was the designer anyway…he even let me try the gun to fill in flowers with color. so I know where to get the ink I just dont want someone messing it up by making it too dark and also not using my natural brow line…im tired of having to use an eyebrow pencil EVERYday .I have dark hair but I’ve tweezed them too thin and what grows back is few and always in the wrong area standing all alone…so it looks as if I need to tweeze it!!! their just too light and almost blond and when I dont wear any make up you cant even see them unless I use a pencil to fill in the gaps and darken them…it embarrassing when I swim and forget and whip the water out of eyes and take a little penciled in brow with it,,,lolo and yes im an artist so I trust I will do the best job of anyone—as I know where and how much I want tattooed…

Answer #3

ok..a tatoo are you sure you want to do it if yes do it safely and get assitance from someone to help you and dont do it alone if were thinking about that…

Answer #4

All I can say is Please dont try & do it yourself, unless of course you know what you are doing!!

just thinking about it, I just say OOOUUUCH!!

Answer #5

a safety pin and the ink from a ballpoint pen. …but if you want to do it RIGHT, get a tattoo gun, and don’t be stupid. good luck with that.


Answer #6

well, jonesy, if this is the case, than I rescind my prior statements. I saw a do it yourself tattoo question, and I assumed the worst. (also, tina attacked me, so I had to write a rebuttal.) -as an up and coming tattoo artist, though, perhaps you should invest in an actual tattoo gun, rather than trying to beautify yourself using inferior tools. the greatest artist in the world still can’t paint well without a brush…


Answer #7

tina, how am I the idiot? I’m not the one trying to “do-it-yourself” a project that should be done professionally. -jonesy’s the one tatting her own face in the basement trying to save twenty bucks. “how can I tat my face without the proper tools?” that’s like asking how to perform plastic surgery without using a scalpel. you use a sharp rock…but your new boobs are going to look like crap. you want to get it done right, use the right tools. she asked a dumb question, and I gave an equally dumb response. hopefully she read it and thought to herself, “wow. that’s a pretty dumb thought. maybe I’ll pay to have a professional work on me, instead of hacking up my face on my own.” if not, she certainly knows what I think of it now…

Answer #8

^^^ hungryhungrychippo, are you kidding?! your body WILL reject the ink from a pen. it will rot your skin and it’s NOT even permanent. and also, a safety pin cannot be sterilized because of the metals it contains even if you burn it, soak it in alcohol or boil it. you’re an idiot.

if you want to have permanent ink you have to buy INDIA INK. you can get it at any professional paint store. it’s the type of ink they use for drawing comic strips. and if you’re stupid enough to do it yourself, then use a STAINLESS STEEL needle, not just some safety pin or sewing needle. stainless steel can be sterilized. have fun ruining your face.

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