What exacly does it mean to live "above the influence?"

Answer #1

Dont let what others do influence who you are, what you do, the way you want to be etc…. Just because society makes something look cool doesnt mean it is and shouldnt have any effect on your decisions. If society makes somethin look not cool but you like it then by all means…. do what makes you happy

Answer #2

It is used to describe people who are strong and smart enough to stay away from friends when it comes to dr-gs alcohol and/or sex. You don’t let anyone influence you in a bad way or pressure you into doing anything that would hurt you. It is the opposite of “under the influence” like for example if someone says “you are under the influence of alcohol” it means that the alcohol has taken over you while being above the influence is when you don’t let dr-gs or alcohol overpower/ influence you at all.

Answer #3

Staying true to your values and not compromising to peer pressure, which many times is trying to lead in a bad direction….

Answer #4

It means that you don’t give in to peer pressure. A person is above the influence if they are strong or smart enough to abstain from dru.gs, alcohol, or sex. It means they’re above the influence of these things; they’re strong-minded.

Answer #5

It means to make your own choices based on your own morals and values and not letting others influence the way you think, act, or choices you make. It’s thinking for yourself and not allowing others to make your choices. It’s your life, you should control it. (:

Answer #6

Above the influence means that you are a quite detached from fashion and peer pressure. It means you do your own thing and do not care if people think badly of you. It’s NOT deliberate rebellion like… some people do everything to be “non-conformist”. It’s more like total indifference as to whether you are what people expect you to be or not.

It can also refer to someone who is a little bit socially awkward and who does not notice what people expect him to act like.

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