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How to show my ex that I'm the one?
Okay, me and my girlfriend broke up last April but really didn’t seperate for real until late June/ early July of last summer. I knew she still loved me and I the same with her. Well she meets a new guy like right after we break up and immediately tries to swope in and take her by telling her all this bad stuff about me and he has never met me, obviously trying to get her against me. Well we started to talk again in September and then I see pictures on facebook of her drinking in the dorm room risking being expelled from school, and she now drinks a lot from that one weekend in the dorm. Judging by pictures it has been at least 3-5 times inside the dorm since September. Well I got over that because she said nothing will ever happen with her and this new guy, but then I meet a girl and she becomes highly jeaolous. I didn’t dismiss her, but I also didn’t accept her back without a hitch because of how she has made me feel. Well the new girl wasn’t working out and in the meantime, she started to smoke a hookah with this guy, and a little bit of info, she is highly allergic to smoke, especially tobacco smoke. I was so upset and in the pictures on facebook she was kissing him. Well now they kind of date and now he is starting to send me all kinds of honesty box posts about them doing things physically together. She insists its not him and insists its not happening but when asking her about them kissing she said they had kissed long before the day in november, making me think it was right after we broke up which means she has lied to me. We still talk often and I try to hint to her that I miss her. Anyway, Valentines Day is coming up and I want to buy her flowers and I want so badly to take her to dinner, but I’m afraid she will do something with him. We were almost married and I’m the good guy every girl says they want. What can I do to help her see the strong love I have for her and my desire to make her every dream come true??? Help please!
Acknowledging her on Valentines Day would be a bad idea. She is with someone, and I dont think her new boyfriend would appreciate it. You and her have a past, and the new guy is in her future right now. As shundarr said, “she has moved on”. You have to accept that , as hard as its going to be. She is your ex, and she is free to see, and do whatever she wants. You have NO control over her feelings. You two had a relationship, and things didnt work out. If she wanted to be with you, she would, but all signs are saying/showing she doesnt. Its time to let go, because she obviously has no intentions of getting back with you.
The best thing you can do for yourself, is to stop ALL contact with her. Don’t talk to her, don’t see her, and don’t hook up with her. You’ll never get over her that way. To fully cut someone out, you can’t stalk them. We all love to spy on our exes via facebook, myspace, or AIM. Stop!; it’s not going to help. Take them off of your friends, block their screen name so you can’t check their away message, and just get it all out. You’re going to want to look but you have to resist. This helps rid the temptation. Also, don’t spy on them by talking to your friends or their friends. The less you know about what they’re doing the better. Focus on yourself and your confidence. You want to stop thinking about the ex, not continue it! Unfortunately there are tons of break ups out there, don’t let it make you bitter. You have to date around, find out what you want in a relationship, find out what a relationship is really about, before you finally find that one relationship where you won’t break up. It sucks but there’s always hope. It won’t always hurt so badly. Just try to keep that in mind. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
You have to understand that even though you have strong feelings for her, and could make all her dreams come true…she isnt interested anymore. Even if you could give her the world. Those are your feelings, and your feelings only.
If your the good guy every girl would want, then dont hold out waiting for your ex. You will be missing out on Miss Right!
When we lost our virginity to each other it was amazing. Another year into our relationship we talked about how awesome it would be to be married and to only have been with each other. I try to let her go, but I can’t let go of the dreams we had together. It really sucks with the situation she has left me in. I honestly don’t know how to make anything better.
It sounds like she has moved on. It would probably be best if you do the same. It will be painful at first, but not as bad as if you continue to put yourself through this yo-yo of thinking she still likes you and then finding out she’s seeing other guys.
come clean with her.
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