Has anyone ever heard of a sign-language choir?

Has anyone ever heard of a sign-language choir? at church we play songs and then perform them in a choir except we do sign language instead of singing… it’s really great!

Answer #1

wow that sounds nice…now I would just have to find sign language books…

Answer #2

well thats really cool…I wish I did something cool like that…

Answer #3

No but it sounds interesting…I would actually like to see that…= )

Answer #4

It’s really awesome. right now we have eight girls and three guys… the guys aren’t as good as the rest of us tho… lol. :D

Answer #5

do you go to church? if so, maybe your church wouldn’t mind starting a program. it’s great for special occasions like christmas, easter, and mothers’ day programs.

Answer #6

Yeah I got to church…its just a little difficult for me to go because I have one parent whose catholic and the other is cristian and they bot want me to go only to there church…yeah actually ill tell them about it because it sounds fun…

Answer #7

it is awesome. I’ve been teaching it for about six months. at first when my pastor asked me to do it I thought it would be really hard to do but I just bought some sign language books and put it to the songs! it really moves people. we recently did “jesus settled it” and “worthy is the lamb” for our easter program, and visitors were bawling. it really is beauitful.

Answer #8

all of mine were ordered through a christian book outlet… some good, simple ones are “the joy of signing” and “the complete asl dictionary”.

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