How much does epidural help in giving birth?

Does it make it completely painless?

Answer #1

I think that is the general idea, i dont know how effective it is, but it is like an anesthetic, it stops the nerves in the spinal cord carrying messages of pain from the lower half of the body to the brain. This results in a loss of feeling in the feet, legs, pelvis and stomach.. so most likely you will not feel the baby being born

Answer #2

I heard it doesn’t make it completely painless.

Answer #3

Every woman has a slightly different experience with an epidural, generally though, no it does not take all the pain away. I had an epidural when i had my son, it made one leg numb and lessened the contractions to about what period cramps feel like. Even with the pain of the contractions being gone alot of people dont realize that it doesnt relieve the pain from the pressure of the babys head decending the birth canal and crowning.

Answer #4

question is would u do it again a sec time around or is it not worth it?

Answer #5

To answer temptress’s question - Yes, i plan on getting an epidural this time around also. While it doesnt take all the pain away, it does lessen it. I got an epidural during hour 10 of labor, it lessened the contractions enough to give me a chance to rest up and mentally prepare myself for the actual birth and labor. I had a chance to rest and even take a thirty minute nap. Without having that epidural i dont know how well i would have handled pushing being so exhausted after an 18 hour labor.

Answer #6

thanks for the an eye opener for the future if I am ever blessed with having a child. (i hv issues with needles that is y i asked.)

Answer #7

Yeah it takes some pain away but after you get epidural you get back problems. My sister took the shot and ever since she’s been having back pains she’s said it herself that it wasn’t worth it

Answer #8

Obviously she thinks it’s worth it.

Answer #9

Oh sh*t XD I thought you meant having a baby. My bad.

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