What should I know for entering a pageant?

So I’m doing my first beauty pageant and I know I need the basics. But what kind of dress is usually best? Like shape and design? Also what’s better up or down dos? (I have a round face) what are commin questions they ask? Any tips would also be helpful. Btw I have olive colored skin, brown eyes, dark brown hair with red tint, I’m 5’1, and have large breasted for my size and age. If this info is of any help.

Answer #1

Dress, keep it simple and tasteful. Choose colors or patterns that flatter. Hairstyle, again, what’s most flattering? You can look up former beauty contestant winners to see styles that worked for them, but be sure they also work to flatter you. Practice your walk, check your posture, body/head posing that reflects your best look. Practice your best smile and angle. In that respect you have to take on the role of being a model. Carry yourself with confidence but not plastic, robotic, or cocky. Overall, you could go online to find iconic women with your features that represent beauty. Find one that closely fits for you and mimic her style and grace. As for answers to questions, go over beauty pageant questions on line. Truth be told, it’s a plastic world like modeling, but the catch is you have to come off natural. As to what I mean by that…Look at Taylor Swift and you’ll get the idea.

Answer #2

One more thing…do not by any means let the other contestants get to you…some will definately be pushing buttons if they can. And Good Luck Jade, this is your moment to shine….:)

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