How do I get a emo haircut?

How do I get a emo haircut.

Answer #1

Do you have any idea what kind of “emo” haircut your going for? Theres a lot…some where the bangs slant across the a striiat line infront of the eyes…

Answer #2

Step 1) Get some sheers. Step 2) The point is to cut your HAIR right now. Step 3) Close yours eyes. Step 4) Snip away! Step 5) Open your eyes a few minutes later, and bam! You look like a moron! …I mean emo!

Answer #3

I don’t know how many times a day I say this but… Emo is a genre of music!!! Not a style, but if it were a style… my goodness, I don’t know why anyone would want to look like it.

Answer #4

just grab a picture of the type of hair you want and take it down to the hair salon and be like “hey homie, I want this hair cut k?”

Answer #5

go to a salon or whatever and tell them how you want it cut… duh. go look up some emo pics and find a hair style you like and then take that pic to the salon w/ you and tell them that’s how you want it.

Answer #6

Go to the barber shop and ask them to “Make you look like the biggest douchebag possible” and thas how you can get an emo hair cut.

Answer #7

slant is sexy

Answer #8

I think people shouldnt be so rude…emo is an amazing style that shows indiviadualism. find a few pics of the style you want but have your own idea and take it to the hairdressers

Answer #9

isn’t it funny how all the emos that say they are “unique” all look the same?

Answer #10

Just try to cut it by yourself. If your troubled by your back hair use a mirror and turn backwards from your bathroom mirror or w/e. Or if you have any emo freinds let them do it..Other then that then take a pic from your cell phone or something from google.. and show it.Easy as that. Hope it helps.

Answer #11

goood question. but 4 dumbasses who thimk emo is a kind of music its not, that wood be alternative. 2 be technacial you want an emo scene haircut. you should google emo hair images & when you find 1 you like print it & give it 2 a hairstylistt!

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