How can I puff up my hair like the emo chicks?

How can I puff up my hair like the emo chicks?

Answer #1

tease it at the roots with a comb and continue doing so while applying hair spray.

Answer #2

its a popular trend among emo-scene kids nowdays. and its called back-cobing!or teasing. now, grab a peice of your hair, starting around the crown of your head. get a comb, start at about a quarter of the length from the root, and back comb ( comb th hair but backwards…towards the root!) do this about 10 times on that particular section, then pick up another, and another ect and do the same thing. theres also a lot of videos on yourube if youd like to see how its done (just type in scene hair or back combing) :]

Answer #3

go to youtube and look up how I tease my hair

Answer #4

go to youtube!! and got to purse buzz and she has cute hairstyles!!!

Answer #5

Tease your hair and use lots of hairspray, that should do the trick.

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