how to get rid of acne ASAP

how to get rid of acne ASAP

Answer #1

if you need relief fast there are a few things you can do

  1. get a pot of water and let it boil, when the steam comes up put your face over it and let the steam soak in your face for 30 minutes…then scrub your face really good with a acne cleanser-it gets hot!!
  2. on zit that are big put a dap of toothpaste or hydrogen poroxide on them and sleep with it on over night…make sure you wash it off in the morning
  3. watever you do DONT POP THEM the only way to pop them is if they are completly white and you have to pull out with your fingers- not in
  4. dont use coverup or powders (unless its really bad) because these clog the pores and make more acne
  5. put a warm (not hot) wash cloth over your face, then wash your face with just water…then let the water get really cold and put another washcloth over your face but this time with cold water-this closes the pores back up after they are cleaned
  6. DONT EAT GREASY FOODS OR POP serioussly just stay on water for like two weeks after you break out GOOD LUCK :) hope this helps
Answer #2

ok, to tell you the truth, you have to go on how your is. But I used Proactiv. I was one of those teens who had acne really bad. My mom bought me some, I tried it, and maybe in two weeks, my skin was clearing. but you have to use it twice a day. Right when you get up to brush your teeth and before you go to bed. This is what I recommend. Not everyone will agree with me, but I’m telling you from personal experience—IT WORKS!!!

Answer #3

wow. This IS an emergency. Oh my god oh my god what do we do. Relax. Get a perscription for Benzaclin; it has never let me down.

Answer #4

If your dude use oxy cleansing wipes thats what I use. & I awesome

Answer #5

Well i had severe acne , which I still have but is a million times better , its better because i went to the doctor & went on dianette tablet which clears acne in around 3 months .. Hope this helps xxx.

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