Does emancipation mean no more social security benefits?

Answer #1

By that do you mean being legally emancipated from your parents?

Answer #2

That is what being an independent, young adult means…no hand outs.

Answer #3

yes, i do. my mom is threatening to emancipate me if i move out. however, i don’t think she can do this, because i will be 18 before i move out. that’s just the word she used for it. I get social security because my dad died (after him and my mom divorced) and i get survivor’s benefits. she threatened to emancipate me so the benefits end if i move out. (i will still be getting them otherwise, until i graduate.) I think essentially she meant something like legally disowning me, and i just needed to know if that matters and if it would end the benefits.

Answer #4

She can’t legally kick you out, afaik. But…if things are that bad with your mom there must be a reason.

Answer #5

It depends on when you will graduate. You will receive benefits up until you are nineteen, if you are still in school, but it stops at 18 if you graduate. I think if you move out, you will still be entitled to the benefits for a while.

Answer #6

i’ll graduate in may of this year. i’m aware that it’s only a few months of benefits, but it’s $810 a month. I would like to not lose that, if i don’t have to.

Answer #7

Yeah that’s understandable. But have you considered just waiting it out with your mom until after you graduate, and heading out then?

Answer #8

I have. I am aware that it’s an option, but . . . I have wanted to move out when i turned 18 since i was 14. my mom and I do not get along, and my stepdad only talks about me (complaining, mainly), never TO me. I believe I would be happier out of the house. I have a job. I have made a budget for myself, both before and after graduation (and so even when the ss benefits end i could maintain a decent lifestyle). I had this all planned out, and when I told her about it, she threatened to take my car and to emancipate me and end the benefits. I just needed to know, legally, if there was any validity to her threats. (The car is in her name. She can take it and i know that. She said i only get it if i “buy her out” of it- in other words, pay for the half of the car she paid for, as well as the repairs we’ve had to do. Payments for both of these have come out of my Social Security, so i shouldnt have to pay her. but…. it’s in her name. so there’s nothing i can do about it.)

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