Do you think they will eliminate the sales of cds?

Now that most people download music online and own mp3 players do you think they should stop selling cds and cd players like they did with 8 tracks and casettes?

Answer #1

eventually yes, but i beleive cds still have quite a few more years left before they go

Answer #2

In my opinion, I don’t think they should stop selling CD’s. A lot of people still use CD’s, and CD players, and they like them better than MP3 players, or Ipod’s, and such. There are a lot of people who honestly don’t know how to use MP3 players, and Ipods (downloading music off the internet)…and CD players are much easier for them.

However, they will probably stop selling them soon. Most likely within the next few years…. :(

Answer #3

They will stop eventually, but I don’t think we will see it in the near future. I know the RIAA seems to be dead set against digital distribution. And several individual recording companies won’t put many of their musicians music up for digital distribution. So I think there are still too many organizations and people who want something physical when they purchase music. But there is a definite movement towards digital distribution of just about all media’s, its just going to take some time for people to get used to it.

Answer #4

But what scares me is what kind of rules and regulations there will be coming about on digital distribution of media. There was a recent court ruling on a case of a guy selling old used AutoCad software, and the basics has “tremendous implications for most digital media, which is licensed rather than sold”. Kinda scare to think about, especially with how draconian the RIAA is.

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