Is it bad to eat yogurt two times a day?

Answer #1

It’s great for you, not only is yogurt for you with its live bacteria, eating it twice a day as well helps cure bad breath.

Answer #2

Not at all, it’s actually pretty healthy! i love yogurt myself and i used to eat it once a day…now i eat it once in a while! it’s healthy especially with fruits/ nuts.

Answer #3

Live bacteria?!

Answer #4

OMG?! WTH! yogurt has bacteria!!! l-l-l-l-li-live bacteria?!?! i’ve been eating frickin yogurt everyday before. that means i have frickin bacteria in my frickin stomach?! lol sorry

Answer #5

Yup, there’s live bacteria in yogurt, it’s why it’s so good for you. Don’t worry, :) it’s good bacteria, it helps you break down lactose that some people can’t break down themselves. It helps get rid of bad substances before they become carcinogenic. It helps with your immune system.

Answer #6

Yup, there’s live bacteria in yogurt, it’s why it’s so good for you. Don’t worry, :) it’s good bacteria, it helps you break down lactose that some people can’t break down themselves. It helps get rid of bad substances before they become carcinogenic. It helps with your immune system.

Answer #7

It’s good bacteria lol, it’s why yogurt is so good for you.

Answer #8

oh ok i was bout to have a heart attack lololololz sorry bout that! lololololz ok cool then! =)

Answer #9

lol sorry for my flip out :P lol and ok that’s good

Answer #10

depends,is it loaded with sugar if so there isn’t a nutrional value but,if it’s plain yogurt with your own fruit added then there is value in it most people think that the vanilla flavored yogurt is okay which yeah kinda but it’s basically all sugar so,i try doing plain yogurt with no added flavors and add some fresh fruit too! :)

Answer #11

What does it do to you?

Answer #12

if you go down she wrote the benefits of it!

Answer #13

Of course not, its very healthy !

Answer #14

be careful about what type of yogurt you are eating. things like trix yogurt and yo-crunch have minimal dairy and lots of extra sugar. read the labels and try to stick to low calorie yogurt or healthy yogurts such as activia. hope this helps!

Answer #15

Yogurt is a good food that is loaded with live cultures (bacteria) which break down an amino acid known as lactose from dairy products by creating lactic acid. In addition to it, yogurt’s cultures also help prevent diarrhea and some cases of irritable bowel movement for easier digestion of foods.

Yogurt is loaded with complex carbs making it slower to digest, which if eaten at night, helps the body feed off energy to not cannibalize your muscle tissue. It also has casein protein known as calcium caseinate, which is a slower-digesting protein that gives nutrients to your body in a slow form so it is not quickly absorbed by the body during the night.

From a nutritional standpoint, it’s very good for you. It’s a nice alternative for those who cannot tolerate lactose from milk and cheeses.

Answer #16

Right. Use plain (unsweetened) yoghurt, and add some fresh fruit if you like. Even if you add a bit of sugar (or honey, agave, etc.), you will probably use significantly less than the flavored yoghurts. I think that goes for activia, too, but I don’t know for sure.

Answer #17

LIVE BACTERIA? O.O Never eating yogurt again…

Answer #18

Everything you eat has bacteria. Everything you touch has bacteria. Billions of them…surrounding you on all sides, MUAHAHAHA!!

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