How can we earn big in article writing sites?

Answer #1

You need to gain a lot of readers - it’s the only way, as you get paid per click. Unless you land an employed position with a well-to-do site that can pay you a decent salary.

Answer #2

You publish lots of good quality artocles on subjects people are interested in and then you take the articles and publish them on a couple other sites (ones that allow you to publish already published stuff). You advertise like crazy. Its passive income and it takes a while to build up.

You can go on sites like Elance, Freelancer etc. and bid on jobs. Some pay great ($10-$20 an article) other only pay a buck or two. Its the quicker way to makw money, though not necessarily better as you lose the copyright to your work once you sell it.

Answer #3

Well, visitors do add more to it i guess.You are right in that aspect. Still one would be better off getting employed just for writing articles and probably writing skills and even the language should be high enough

Answer #4

You can earn big in article writing by improving your writing skills and becoming more and more accurate in your writing. you can also become freelance writer. Freelance writer are the one who work sitting at home. . You just need to find out what are the expectations of a company or an owner while appointing a freelance writer. To know more about what all qualities a company keep in to consideration while appointing a freelancer writer you can follow this link [link removed] This link will help you to know what all areas you need to work upon to become a good freelancer writer and many other points of your interest.

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