How do I know if a guy is into me?

thiss guy that i know is always hanging around me nd giving me weird looks. in science when we were taking notes, he started making himself turn red nd looking reelyy stiff at me. he wuzz tlking to my friend who claims that he likes her but he dusnt (it is veryyy noticable that he dusnt) nd then he juss started starring at me in the middle of the convo but when i looked he stopped. he kept starring at me once nd then i looked at him nd he WOULDNT STOP!!! my friends seyss that he had “this dream” which i REALLY dont believe, but i might sound STUPID, but im a gurll i howw am i supposed to know if a guyy likes me! duss he likee me ?!?!

Answer #1

It sound very obvios he likes you. try asking him out or wait for a while to see what happens. or if your to scared to ask him out ask a friend to tell em. try talking to him more and ask him what he thinks of you. and ask him to be honest. there are many ways to ask him. try it and have a go.

Answer #2

its soo obvious . please.. even if he claims he likes her- he probably just dosent want people to know his TRUE feelings about YOU. and if you like him then… ask him out. most guys never admit their crush… but their outward signs are soo easy to tell.

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