Why are my dreams so disgusting?

for the past three nights I’ve been dreaming of being r@ped :( it keeps scaring me!

Answer #1

I’ve had horrible dreams like that too… Not sure why, dreams are a mystery :/

Answer #2

We can not really control our dream. There are many factors that may affect the creation of our dreams like: our sleeping position, experience we had the previous days, traumas, tiredness, health condition etc. Maybe praying before bed, specially together with family members will make it better, at least you will have the feeling of being accompanied :D

Answer #3

We all dream VERY strange things, I know this will sound weird, but I dreamed I was kissing a very close friend of mine but I wasn’t making lip contact with her.

You can either seek professional help or try to do something positive before you go to bed so you sleep sweetly and not a nightmare.

Answer #4

I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Dreams are usually symbolic of what we’ve been feeling the day before or in general. Dream dictionaries usually help me figure my dreams out, but they’re not always spot on. Most of the time you have to think about your own situation and how you feel and what might be bothering you etc. Usually i think of what i felt in the dream and what i associate the things that were happening in the dream with. ie. R@pe = being helpless, overpowered, scared and so on. Then i try and relate those feelings with what’s going on in my life. ie. A relationship where you feel helpless or a job situation where you have no power. Possibly it could be more literal ie. you feel scared when you walk home by yourself and you’re worried something might happen etc.

This might help: http://funadvice.com/r/brg1gs64f58

Answer #5

Dreams never make much sense, but I’m assuming something is bothering you and your dreams are letting you know that in it’s way.

Answer #6

Some say your dreams come from how your subconscious feels. I say that’s wrong. I would think dreams or in your case nightmares can come from things you saw, heard, or experienced during the time you are in reality. Try doing some meditation before bed.

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