What is your dream/goal?

For my English class - I have to write my dream/goal that I want to accomplish by the time Im in my mid-twenties. Problem is.. I cant think of any.. Whats yours? Maybe you’ll give me an idea or something :)

Answer #1

My dream is to become a famous singer and songwriter. -K-

Answer #2

To be happy, have an amazing job & to be making that $$$$ :]

Answer #3

So write that, by the time you’re in your twenties, you hope to know your dreams and goals. If you write it well enough, it’ll be accepted :P If you write any carp up well enough, your English teacher will take it.

Answer #4

to be a famous comedian actor or atleast in youtube :-p

Answer #5

Well, my dream/goal is to finish college someday and actually go to the medical school.

Answer #6

mine is to become a famos chef :D

Answer #7

to do better in math :-l

Answer #8

Get a financially stable job, and live near my mother. Maybe someday write a book.. I’m still trying to figure out who I want to be, so I’m not too specific yet.

Answer #9

I want to save someones life. I think being a famous Actress would be awesome! But nothing will stick with me as long as saving someones life. That would be awesome!!! :D

Answer #10

Thank you guys so much!! :)

Answer #11

Thats an amazing goal!! :) Thanks for sharing :)

Answer #12

Thanks! :)

Answer #13

To have a dream, or a goal, or both… or neither of them depending on if i am lazy :P which i am. i have no life DX haha ah… :(

Answer #14

To have a dream, or a goal, or both… or neither of them depending on if i am lazy :P which i am. i have no life DX haha ah… :(

Answer #15

sorry for hitting submit twice

Answer #16

Haha! Thanks for asking!!! :D

Answer #17

A possible dream of mine is to get all my schooling done with, become a pharmacist, after having a set in stone job getting married and having a child. My impossible dream would be to live on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere near a waterfall where I could run around naked all day and live carefree without the daily stresses of society.

Answer #18

to grow up and become a cop in NYC have a few kids. then to retire and live on a farm with some horses and a big huge old house. :)

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