Why is there so much drama?

Why is there so much drama?

Answer #1

Because life would be boring with out it.

Answer #2

maybe because people just feel like going overboard on acting just to get their way, or if they want attention from someone, they will do that drama stuff.

Answer #3

I agree with amblessed…

Answer #4

Because some girls need some excitement in their lives because they have no lives. A lot of drama is just out of pure immaturity. They just need to grow up(: I think girls just feel compelled to start stuff so they have something to talk about.

Answer #5

it’s just life hun. not everyones gonna get along. and if there werent any drama, im pretty sure life would be boring for a lot of people

Answer #6


Answer #7

sometimes because people just want attention, and that’s the only way they know how to get it: by making a big deal out of nothing.

Answer #8

Not being rude. But I don’t think it’s life. I think it’s immautrity. Drama is not anything that is needed. Not anything someones life needs to consist of.

Answer #9

Drama is part of every persons life. That doesn’t mean that Life is drama. It just means that people are so caught up in stupid things that it causes it everywhere. The Best way to avoid drama is to not start drama yourself, then usually there won’t be as much involving you.

Answer #10

Drama is part of every persons life. That doesn’t mean that Life is drama. It just means that people are so caught up in stupid things that it causes it everywhere. The Best way to avoid drama is to not start drama yourself, then usually there won’t be as much involving you.

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