Drake and Josh

Does anyone know whr I can for free watch Drake and Josh not on nick.com or youtube? oh and not on tv…im like im love with that show..and I want to watch it more…any help with this one?

     oh and also answer a little survey question: Whos better Drake or Josh?
                                                                                     Whos funnier Drake or Josh?
                                                                                     Why did you answer what you did?
         thanx, and have a nice day =P
                                          qazwert out:)
Answer #1

Whos better? Drake he is so hot Whos funnier? they both are I love that show =]]

Answer #2

oh answers to my own questions: Whos better Drake or Josh? Drake Whos funnier Drake or Josh? Drake Why did you answer what you did? 1.Drake is funny in, like, every situation. 2.His character does stupid things a lot. 3.They made josh a lot smarter and drake a lot dumber, makes drake funnier:)

Answer #4

hahaa I loved them guys!!! I cant watch it no more because we moved and we cnt ge tNtl wer we livee XD

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