what does it mean when a dog is constaly letting out a nasty smell?

Answer #1

passing gass?…weel maby he need to go to the bathroom!?

Answer #2

well its his stomach for one…either something not agreeing with his tummy in the food you just gave him or it is causing him gas…

could also mean he just needs a good bath with dog shampoo…:) we hosed my doberman puppy today…she was lookin so damn cute…ask Miguel, he has seen a pic of her…int she adorable hermanito?!

Answer #3

Are you feeding him canned food? Usually that’s what caused my puppy to have deathly stenches.

Answer #4

Passing gas just like humans. When humans pass gas it is an indication that the food isn’t being digested properly. Try changing his diet.

Answer #5

you mean a fart?

Answer #6

its most likely passsing gas like buddy2302 said. but it could be passing gas because of the food you have it on. if your feeding a dog food that has a lot of corn in it for example, Iams, O’le Roy, Country Value…all those foods are is flavor enhanced corn, corn doesnt agree with dogs it makes them itchy and stinky….so check the ingredients in your dogs food. if you want a cheap but good dog food go for Diamond…no corn and it is healthy for the dog

Answer #7

I would asume he is passing gas? Try feeding im a btter quality food, one wit no corn or whae. Giving your dog a Tablespoon of plain yogurt daily will also help control the farts. Yogurt keeps their bellies nice and ealthy!

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