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Dog Behavior
Is it normal for your dog to show acts of defiance? When I went away for a few days, my dog freaked out, trying to go in my room and hide until I got there.(He’s a maltese.)When I got home, he ignored me and went straight to my room and pooped on my floor! (I know he was pissed because he was closer to his <b>clean</b>pad when he did this.) Then he came to me acting all excited since I was home… Has anyone else’s dog done that before?
I think he was just excited you were home and missed the pad. I don’t think he meant anything by it. I do think dogs can be spiteful but this does not sound like a case of it.
The submissive dog crouches down with its ears back, eyes averted, tail low or between its legs. In a more extreme submissive display, the dog gradually rolls over onto its back, exposing the belly. The animal may even urinate a few drops, perhaps a throwback response to the first authority figure in its life, its mother, who stimulated her pups to urinate and then cleaned them up. Submissive urination is easily misunderstood, especially if produced in response to the owner’s anger over some infraction. From a human perspective, the dog may seem >> defiant <<, even spiteful. But far from committing an act of defiance, this dog is trying to placate the angry owner by showing extreme submission: http://animal.discovery.com/guides/dogs/safety/knowing.html
Take care !!
Well…yes…dogs do show defiance…However, in this instance it sounds to me like his excitment over having you home overtook his “sensibilities”…You walk in the door…he gets so excited he has to poop, so he ignores you, does his business (but too excited to remember where to do it), and comes back all gleeful that you have at long last come home.
Defiance in a dog usually comes in the form of “protest”…it shows at times when you are trying to get them to do something, and they either don’t want to, or they are afraid. (Like a dog who sits down when you’re trying to take it for a walk…or a dog that barks as you when you tell it to do something).
I think this little guy was WAY overjoyed at your return.
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