Does anyone know of any trucking companies that will hire a felon?

Does anyone know of any trucking companies that will hire a felon

Answer #1

I have a small trucking company with only three trucks and I would have to say I wouldn’t …there are a lot of reasons one my truck and trailer is worth a lot of money two crossing borders could be a problem and you would be dealing with my customers and the load is worth a lot to me and my customer and then there is insurance problems I would have a hard time handing all of this to someone that has has commited a felony

maybe try to find another line of work and build up some references before you ask someone that doesn’t know you to hand over the keys to a truck and load worth well over a million dollars I would be more apt to hire someone that has good references from some other company

Answer #2

First off let me tell you that I have found that, most of the people that mess up on jobs are the one that don’t have felonies the so called “ I thought He had it in him” People, YES that’s right, so to all the Companies that will not hire felons, are missing out on workers that may and will commit more effort to the companies they work for, 1. because they will work harder, and also, 2.they are looking for a chance to prove them self worthy, 3.Most of them don’t want to do anything that would take them back to that jail cell, 4.most of them that ‘go back’ are not the ones looking for employment in the first place.

    Then you also have to consider what the felony is for on the average 60% of convicted felons most likely plead guilty, and the punishment does not fit the crime,
    So before you judge someone on something that you was not there to witness and you don't know the reasoning behind that felony "THINK AGAIN".
    I personally know a man that was protecting his Little children and home from a robbery, and was convicted of a felony just because the State don't have a self defense clause on their statue
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