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How is a horoscope made?
I want to try to make a horoscope does any one know how they are made???
Dear archer_sagittarius, Making them is a very complex process…my sister used to do them professionally and she used a computer program. You have to line the planets, stars etc. and something to do with time zones and years. Sue…good luck
Just make one up. It’ll be as accurate as any other.
Well, unless you predict rains of frogs and suchlike.
How can I get the real power ranger costume made out of spand - 2 Answers
How can I get the real power ranger costume made out of spandex?
What colour is made from red and blue? - 4 Answers
what colour do you get when you mix red and blue togther? Im having a mental breakdown... :)
Smilie I made! - 3 Answers
ϾϿ L do you like this smilie I made?
Have you made up a word? - 4 Answers
Have you ever made up a word? Like, koolio, or sweetastic, or I dunno blaga lol
How can I clear my name without being made fun of? - 1 Answers
People think I am weird because I used to (WHEN I was a kid) Talked about ghosts and freaky stuff and I have some disorders. ...
Are you better than the person who made or makes fun of you??? - 2 Answers
Are you succeful than the person who made fun of you, sAid bad stuff about yyou?? People who already finished high school do...
What is a word made up of 4 letters, yet is also made up of 3 (cont'd)? - 4 Answers
Although is written with 8 letters, and then with 4. Rarely consists of 6, and never is written with 5?
Have you ever liked something so much it made you mad? - 2 Answers
UGH! I do that all the time then when I tell my friends about it they think Im crazy haha. AM I the only one??
What are some cool made out funny names? - 2 Answers
Well I just wanted to know some cool names EXAMPLE:choclate chip cookie or something like that
What are body slabs made out of? - 5 Answers
The kind that morticians use? Steel, metal, ect?
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