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Do these dreams have some sort of meaning?

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Okay so I dont usually have dreams but lately I've been having VERY simaliar dreams to one that ill have the night before,and each night that I have this dream it gets longer and more defined and easier to remember. I've been having this dream for like that past week and its kinda weird because each time that I wake up I feel like I have to remember this dream and that in some way it means something big in my life. So what normally happens in this dream is that ill be walking around with my best friend and well be in this weird setting.It looks like were by a swamp or river but at the same time were in this house that has VERY colorful decorations.I cant remember what me and her are talking about but at random moments my boyfriend will suddenly enter my dream and say random things like: Oh well your a cool nerd! Or you might be weird but your still cool and well liked. Hell also say stuff like "hes an a$shole so dont listen to him"
But after he says these things he suddenly disapears and I feel like I need to find him again and bring him back but I cant leave my friend so we just start talking aagain until he returns again says something and then disapears again. So my dream will go like that for ahile but then ill suddenly be in this run-down neibourhood with my family and they'll be urging me to into some corner store. So when I go in and then come out with a bag I look around and everyones gone but then I see my boyfriend and suddenly I start hearing gun shots and everything goes black. Though I can still hear myself standing and trying to run to someone or somehere but I cant move and all I can do is yell. And then just before I wake-up im at a furneral and everyone is trying to comfort me but I wont even look at them and suddenly the scene changes and im watching the news and its doing a piece on the death of my boyfriend. Each time that I have this dream I wake up with tears and feel like im missing something.So I was just wondering if this dream could mean something and if it does then what does it mean or how can I find out whatr it means?.