Do I still trust him?

I have been going out with my boyfriend for over 18 months now, he is my first proper boyfriend and I am in love for the first time. He came to visit me from a job up north the other day and was telling me about a message on his phone he almost sent me ranting about his housemates, but had decided not to send to me as it might make me sad. Whilst he was in the toilet I looked for it, but found a message he sent to his best friend at university instead, who is also my friend. It was a very crude message about a girl he is working with being “ a tease” and saying what he would do to her if she didn’t stop…you can guess it was along the sexual lines. I confronted him and he was on his knees begging me not to make him leave as I tried to throw him out. He told me his other housemate had said it, and he thought it was funny and sent it to his friend. I know this other housemate does like her, so it might be true, but I didn’t know what to think as it was highly immature and not at all funny. We have had problems in the past with cheating, mainly from my side which I am very regretful for now. I thought we were past it, and although he didn’t actually DO anything, it was his disrespect that upset me the most. Plus the fact that he doesn’t care what our relationship looks like. He actually went hysterical and lay on the floor and cried when I kept trying to make him leave and told me over and again he couldn’t be without me. I took him back for now, but it leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth. What should I do?!

Answer #1

Only you can answer that question, ‘do I still trust him?’- but why his reaction to you asking him to leave, sounds like the relationship isn’t the most stable.

If you’re not 100% certain that taking him back was a good idea, then finish it. It’s clear that you’re not happy with things, so it might be time to call it a day.

Answer #2

I think because we started off so badly things have just got better and better (as nothing could be as bad as we both were to each other at the start) but we still sometimes feel a little insecure. The fact we have lasted so long makes me think that we worked through things well as we are still going, but if he is thinking about other girls it might be a sign things aren’t healed. And if they aren’t healed now I am not sure they will ever be. I love him VERY much so it is ridiculously hard to just decide to break up…I think I need to talk to him face to face and talk about how we feel and if we can ever move past our shady beginnings. I have always wondered if we could and beginning to think we can’t…

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