Do I have an infection?

Hi. For a couple months I have been intimate with my boyfriend and recently my lower sides and back have been hurting. I’ve had this feeling before but it was because I would hold it in and wait to go to the bathroom. Then I would get an infection because of that. However now I am getting that again but I have stopped doing that. So when I feel the need to go to the bathroom, I really don’t. So I know I have an infection but my question is could it be from having sex. You see (I’m going to be blunt >_<), my boyfriend uses a towel to clean himself off after sex but to my knowledge doesn’t shower afterwards until like a day or two later. What do you think? Is this just a simple infection or could this be something serious? Thanks for your time.

Answer #1


Honestly, it’s hard to tell. It sounds to me like a bladder infection, which can be aggravated/induced by sex. You should see a doctor for some antibiotics, and also have a talk with your boyfriend about hygiene if he doesn’t shower regularly.

Answer #2

yep, sounds like honeymoon cystitis, or better known as a bladder infection and this can only be remedied with antibiotics, and lots of water and cranberry juice. start using condomns if you can. make sure you both practice good personal hygiene. the bacteria build up is not healthy. It usually takes a good 7 days for you to start feeling normal again after proper treatment

Answer #3

the whole lower back pain thing sounds to me like you might be pregnant and that urge to pee and then you dont need to …but its probably not and your probably right so you need to get checked out

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice