Do I break it off?

Ok so my boyfriend and I have been together for a while and he use to tell me he wanted to marry me and that he loves me and misses me like all the time. Well we live about 40 mins away from each other and we have a set deal where we take turns seeing each other every other weekend. He also use to call me baby and hun and all this stuff and he stopped doin it. I asked him what was up and told him that the way he has been acting has got to stop. And he said ok he would fix it…but he hasnt its still bad. Then he went and said that the gas costed him to much when its like once every other weekend. Do I break it off or should I being seeing this some other way im not??? Plllzzz help me…

Answer #1

he loosing his feeelings for you:( and theres not really anything you can do except take a break from eachother or break up.. sorry if I sound mean or absurd

Answer #2

theres deffinately something else wrong. 40 min isnt that big of a deal on gas so hes deffinately hiding something from u . don’t “break it off “ but ask him whats wrong and why things have changed, maybe hes not that into you anymoreor he found some 1 else=\ if he did im sry =[ but yeah his behavior change sounds fishy to me

Answer #3

Ahh! Dont just break up with him! Me and my boyfriend are in the same situation except he lives 40 mins away by train. Im always the one who goes to see him at weekends and I occasionally get a little pissed off about having to pay to go see him and its not that much money either but I still get angry when im low on cash or trying to save jp for something and I have to pay for a train ticket. Sometimes I take it out on him by acting weird when we text and I dont know why. But it doesnt mean I wanna break up. I love him, just get a bit annoyed sometimes that he lives a little further away than id like so its possible your boyfriend feels the same way about you as I do about my boyfriend? I never want to break up. Maybe your boyfriend is the same?

Answer #4

just dont break it off without being sure

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