discrimination of my orientation...

I was talking to a guy at my work about like sex and stuff dealing with that and I happen to say “ I know a couple of people who want to suck my dick” and there happen to be a girl in the area, whom may have heard it but I am 100% sure he did not feel offended or anything. so my boss walks up to me and called me sexist for it, and I tried to explain to him many times that I was not talking about her and that I didn’t mean to offend or be sexist even tho I feel I was not trying to be a jerk or anything. so throughout the rest of my shift I was called “gay” and was constantly being harrassed and accused of being “gay” and accused of wanting another guy to “suck my dick” as my manager stated. and another inncodent was when my boss came up to me with his phone and asked if I wanted to see a picture. also before I saw the picture he stated and quote “ this is right up your alley”. then showed me a picture of a man in very short and grotesque pink shorts bowling. I felt very demeaned and emotionally distressed throught out the night, what can I legally do? please help!

Answer #1

File sexual harassment. I’m not sure really. But if you file a complaint about it, they have to do something about it, right? If you have witnesses to it, then you have solid evidence to help sustain your argument. And really, if they go with the ‘I was joking’ bit, you could always just ask them to stop. If they don’t after you ask, then it’s clearly harassment.

I don’t know, honestly. I’ve never had to deal with a situation such as this before…

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice