dimple piercings

do dimple piercings hurt?? I want to get mine done really soon but I am a little scared I do have snake bites. so can anyone tell me if it will hurt more or less. please please

Answer #1

what?? I have never heard of dimple piercings can you explain that to me

Answer #2

When I had mine pierced, it did not hurt at all. But they swelled up to the end of 20 mm bars so the piercer had to put longer ones in. Just thought I’d warn you about the swelling :)

Answer #3

I have had them done before but took them out for work, I am getting them done again tomorow. the pain is nothing hey,personally I think my snake bites hurt more, but even then , snake bites dont hurt much. just trying to say that its not that bad hey, and its so worth it. they look amazing hey. I hope it all goes well for you :):)

Answer #4

My friend had to take his dimple piercings out because he said they all get infected and you eventually have to? is this true? do you need to take them out eventually?

Answer #5

they are not that bad at all it feels like you bite your cheek. they do get really swollen within a few hours but it goes down in about a week an a half. its worth it they are super cool

Answer #6

im thinkin about gettin my dimples pierces but im not really 100% sure yet I really don’t care too much abt the pain just probably the swelling part like how long would that last ??

Answer #7

I have my dimple peirced and I ve had them done for a while now and let me tell you I love them!! it actually didnt hurt getting them done but I will suggest that you get the one with the balls not the dimonds because I had a lot of problems like ripping it threw when my cheeks were swollen sooo ya I say go for it but get the ball ones for your starter

Answer #8

So what happens when you take them out? Will you have holes in your face???

Answer #9

I’m thinking about getting my cheeks pierced so I’m nervous and excited though. will they numb it if you ask them too?

Answer #10

I’ve had them done, and im getting them redone next week yes, they hurt, but its not as bad as you thing. the skin is thicker, but like a lip piercing, the pain is over in a few minutes, the healing part is that one that will hurt a bit more, but if you follow what they say, you will be fine. :):)

hope that helped. bek.

Answer #11

DONT DO IT! dimple piercings can cause permanent facial damage! your face could literally go limp, and not have movement. do your research of how many muscles and nerves and saliva ducts your fucking with when you get these kinds of piercings!!!

Answer #12

yeah sure.lol well like I have 2 dimples&& you just pierce them I have been wanting this done for a while &&I thinks a good result

Answer #13

All piercings have certain levels of pain, just get it done professionally and take care of it.

Answer #14

its hurts the same. but it is tender after and remember if you get them done even if you take them out you will always have “dimples”

Answer #15

your advice is great so far,,&&I already have dimples so yeah im basicaly gonna have dimples for my life but I want to get them pierced

Answer #16

It’s the same as getting snake bites really… just in a different spot haha.

I took mine out though cause the backing was really annoying and it kept on cutting my gums…

But don’t be scared, its honestly like the EXACT same as snakebites…


Answer #17

Don’t be afraid… there’s honestly nothing to fear at all. As long as you have it done professionally and take care of it, it’ll turn out absolutely FINE. The pain involved will depend on how much pain you personally can handle. Keep in mind that it won’t be as bad as some people make it out to be people tend to be just a little on the over dramatic side when it comes to things like this, and that the pain will NEVER be unbearable. If you really want it, go for it. Ignore people who say stupid stuff like “it looks gross”, “it’s nasty”, “it’s trashy”, “it’s creepy/freaky”, or “you can’t get a job if you have it” because they’re full of sh*t - piercings are NOT gross/trashy/nasty/creepy/freaky, they’re simply forms of bodyt art and self expression. And you CAN get a job if you have piercings, so no worries there.

I hope this helps you out, if you need anything else, let me know.

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