Differences between men and women

Why men are happier then women?

Answer #1

yeah, I wouldn’t say that at all. happiness is not based on gender.

Answer #2

thatz the most stupidest statement eva

Answer #3

We’re happier cause we’re emotionally stable

Answer #4

umm I dont think so… well I don’t know im hapiie =]

Answer #5

We’re happier cause we’re emotionally stable

…you’re generalizing…

Answer #6

I don’t know you tell me..

Answer #7

I dont know im pretty happy…

Answer #8

are they? hmmm

Answer #9

how are we happier

Answer #10

when did we become happier?

Answer #11

girls stable to some crazy but some guys crazy to shyt im crazy haha nah but really that makes no sence woman are as happy as we are

Answer #12

There are some women that are happier than some men, so yeah, you are generalizing.

Answer #13

LOL…maybe it’s because they are simple creatures.


Answer #14

I think with my brain and heart, and no I’m not a hermaphrodite LOL. Emotions aren’t based on gender, it depends on the person and the situation they’re in.

Answer #15

How true. To be honest I can’t think of one that you missed, but I’m sure others will be adding their thoughts in a bit.

Answer #16

because I don’t know why, lolz

cause girls think with their heart more than brain??? lolz but not all girls are like that, at least I’m not like that… besides, a woman’s mood is always changing, she can’t control it, when she’s PMSing, she feels so freakin’ bad, she laughs, she cries, she cooks, she eats, etc. she does stuff she doesn’t usually do… same when she gets pregnant, men don’t get periods do they??? lolz I dunno, I’m happy, I’m not sad, I’m noy angry, besides I’m much much happier than MOSTT of the boys in school!! hah!! B-) I think we’re much much happier, because even though we get all emotional on our periods, we still try our best to make ourselves happier!!

Answer #17

Hmm… just want to point out, while I do object to the generalization of women being emotionally unstable, in India, women do suffer from depression more than men, by a high margin…

My guess would be (this is referring to India since that is where you’re from), women are more prone to depression because of traditional gender roles, domestic violence, male chauvanism, and general societal pressure… It’s not a within state problem, but one stemming from the environment…

I actually did a research project on mental health in India, so lots of sources if you’re interested http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/mp/2003/02/10/stories/2003021001200100.htm

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