What is the difference between a soup and a stew?

Answer #1

A stew is thicker - made with a gravy as opposed to a broth.

Answer #2

Most soups are thin, or water-based, while stew is thick with minimal liquid, usually thickened to the point of being like gravy instead of a broth. Also, soups can be eaten either hot or cold, and can be cooked or uncooked. Stews are usually eaten hot. Ingredients in a stew are always chunkier and more abundant (present in great quantity), while a soup can be like a water base with just a few pieces of vegetables.

Answer #3

i thought soup was only veggies stock and stew had big chunks of meat and veggies in it with gravy :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Answer #4

Soup can have big chunks of veggies and meat, lol

Answer #5

my gwammy makes the most awsome soup :P ive NEVER seen soup with meat in it :L:L:L:L


Answer #6

Hey…I’m a chef…I know how to make soup, lol

Answer #7



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