What is the difference between a Slushie and a Slurpee?

Is there any difference between a slurpee. I know slurpee from 7-m 11. but i have seen videos where its call a slushie so i would like to know if there are other difference besides the name or not . If you know tell me please thank you.

Answer #1

It’s like calling K-Mart Big-K. Either can be said.

Answer #2

A slushie is a generic term for a flavored frozen drink. Slurpees are a brand name of slushies sold at 7-11 convenience stores. Essentially, they are both the same thing.

Answer #3

Not much

Answer #4

Tomato, tomato. Potato, potato.

Answer #5

What I’ve noticed is slushies, their ice is not ground up into small tiny particles, their bigger pieces of ice in a lot of juice while slurpees the ice is grounded up into tiny particles, where its more put together.

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