What is the difference between Hispanic, Spanish, Latin, and Latino?

I heard that hispanic is a made up term by mr. richard nixon.

Answer #1

it’s about the region the people came from

Answer #2

hispanic are people from spanish speaking countries (mostly in south america and the caribbean). someone who is spanish is some one who comes from spain. i am pretty sure that latin is anyone who has latin dissent which is both hispanics and spaniards and same goes for latino since latino is the same as calling someone latin but in spanish. i am hispanic/latina :D yay

Answer #3

hispanic are people from spanish speaking countries (mostly in south america and the caribbean). someone who is spanish is some one who comes from spain. i am pretty sure that latin is anyone who has latin dissent which is both hispanics and spaniards and same goes for latino since latino is the same as calling someone latin but in spanish. i am hispanic/latina :D yay

Answer #4

Latin America is countries the Americans that speak romance languages. This really only applies to Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries. French is also a romance language but French speaking Quebec is not considered Latin America.

Answer #5

I meant to say: “Latin America is countries in the Americas (as in N. and S America) that speak romance languages.” Typos made it unintelligible. Sorry

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