Why is there a difference between my friend's breasts, and mine?

This is an odd question, but we have about the same size boobs, and we went bra shopping. We both tried on the same bra, same size and everything. It fit both of us perfectly, but for some reason hers push up WAY more than mine. She has so much more cleavage than I do with the bra on. Thing is, without a shirt and bra on (yes I do trust my best friend enough to strip naked :P ) my breasts look bigger. It’s really confusing! And we wanted to know what causes this.

Answer #1

Quite simply, everyone’s body is different. There is normally a difference between your right and left breast too. One will normally be bigger than the other too. It’s perfectly normal. Hope that helps

Answer #2

The asymmetric breast issue is accounted for by evolutionary processes of “adaptive compensation”. If someone loses their sight, the body invariably adapts by improving the hearing to compensate.

Likewise if one breast is a bit too small, …… . ….. the other is always a bit bigger to make up for it.

– Majikthise.

Answer #3

There’s also a difference in breast density between everyone. You may be the same size bra, but her boobs may be more dense than yours.

Answer #4

It can just be the way your breasts are positioned on your body. Hers are probably naturally closer together, making them ‘push up’ more than yours when trying on said bra.

Answer #5

Spot on!

Answer #6

Simply because everyone is different.

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