How can I describe this outfit in a story?

I have no idea on how to specifically descibe her outfit in my story. Please help and no judging. is it a camisole or something???

Answer #1

Xena Warrior Princes

Answer #2

i need to descibe her outfit and specify every detail of it.

Answer #3

You could say that it was a small brown outfit with the fabric seaming like its been stretched to the other end. With the fabric barely covering her chest but fully covering her neck. Thats how i would describe it i think. but thats all i can see really im sure there is more to it but anyways i hoped i helped.

Answer #4

“The outfit, not worthy of extreme latitudes, was soiled with linger of the prior day labors.”

Answer #5

An erotic steampunk outfit. Seams like a lightish brown fabric highly streched cut and sewn together just below the neck… there is also a metalic optic device not in use on her head… dunno what else can you say. It might help if we knew what kind of story are you putting this in and how detail a view you need :)

Answer #6

is it a bra or something or a cutoff shirt of some kind??

Answer #7

its a steampunk story about pirates.

Answer #8

A dark and “showing-to-much” outfit.

Answer #9

in a story, with out judging? You make it hard. I would strart at the head. It looks like she is wairing som heavy duty safty goggles. Describe the fabric and where it falls on her body. It looks like this will chanalge your creativity

Answer #10

It seems like you’re looking for a definition for what she’s wearing, as in what it’s called specifically, and I don’t think it has a name. It’s most likely someone’s original, I wouldn’t be surprised it if were her own handiwork. I think the most you can do is take a few sentences to described the details of it carefully, to really get it across. Adjectives are key in situations like these where you can’t give a word that will give the same image to everyone reading. Try along the lines of, “translucent fabric covering her upper chest and pressing her breast, flattening them. Straps of the fabric tautly clipped down to a belt at the lowest line of her visible ribs and blah yadda yeah.” Eh, ran out of steam toward the end.

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