Dermal piercing .

Anybody know about dermal piercings and if they hurt and how bad it is when you need to ever take them out ?? Let me know :)

Answer #1

Piercers tell you to come back to get it removed. You don’t have to go to a doctor!!

Answer #2

The pain is not that bad. There are breathing exercises that you can do when the piercing is getting done to relax you and help with the discomfort. Almost every professional piercer has learned the breathing tecnique for dermals and other piercings. They are very expensive piercings but very musch worth the money. Keep in mind that you get what you pay for. The removal has to be done by making a smal slit in the skin and cutting around the tissue that has formed around the piercing. They usually numb it before removal. Which has to be done by a doctor not a piercer. Piercers should never remove the dermal anchors themselves.

Answer #3

I’ve got two one below each of my collar bones, the piercing itself hurts more or less depending upon where you get it. They implant a small screw in between your upper and lower layers of skin. The screw never comes out unless you go to a jeweler and they cut it out for you. It can leave a small scar. The jeweled screw top can be changed so you can have different color studs or take the jewel off so its not as noticeable. Anyway the coolest part is you can get one literally anywhere on your body. They do run on the expensive side of piercings though.

Answer #4

Dermal pircin KILLS I hadd itt done ages ago and I passsed out with pain but people feel pain diff so you no might no hurt u

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