What kind of depression is it where you are happy for a few days but then, one day you are completely sad and negative about yourself?

and has gone on over a year?

Answer #1

Bipolar? But mood swings are common at your age, I wouldn’t fret about it.

Answer #2

Ya i know i think I have major depression last friday i was really sad and crying for hours and than over the weekend I was all sad too but now I am happy but soon I will be sad again ha I want a therpist but scared to aak parents i brought it up 2 times to my mom but i am scared to actualky get her attention and tell her why i have been sad for a longg time like 2 years well maybe not that long but for awhile now :-/

Answer #3

If you need to talk to someone, do it. Try explaining to your mother if you’re having problems, she cares about you and will try to help you if she thinks you need it. Try not to focus on it too much though, or you could just fool yourself into thinking you’re depressed, even if you aren’t.

Answer #4

I agree with Cassie, snds like bi polar

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