How do I delete questions I have asked on here?

How do I delete fun advice questions? I have so many questions that I dont need anymore how do I delete it??

Answer #1

I don’t think you can. Just go to ‘Questions’ at the top of the page near you username and next to the question that you don’t want on your page anymore click ‘mark as anonymous’ :) Marking them as anonymous is the only option really.

Answer #2

Why anonymize them? In order to properly answer many of the questions that people put up, it is important to know some facts about the person asking.

So what if you have a lot of questions. That is what this site is all about. If you have any questions that are too embarrassing, go ahead and mark them anonymous, but the rest could be left alone.

But however you decide, thanks for helping to make this site what it is.

Take care of yourself, and Good Luck!!

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