What is your definition of great customer service?

Answer #1

Is happy ( not sarcastic or mean or in a bad mood. ) Gets to the point ( it annoys me when people beat around the bush )

Answer #2

A Great Customer Service is when people are so satisfied and happy with your service that they love to come back each time at your place.

Answer #3

That really depends on the industry/what job the person is working at. For something like a cafe, I’d say that great customer service would be greeting the customer with a smile, asking how their day has been and asking what you can do for them, making/serving them what they asked for in a reasonable amount of time, clearing dishes when need be and asking if there is anything else they want etc. Maybe giving them a magazine/newspaper as they sit at the table if they are alone. Doing things like giving them a free sample of a cookie with their coffee would make the customer pleasantly surprised and would probably be good for the business as they might buy a cookie next time they come in.

Answer #4

to antisipate what the customer wants. be polite and understanding of there needs, and most important is to listen to them.

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