How would you define "dignity"?

Answer #1

It’s hard to explain. Dignity is “the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect.” “It was beneath his dignity to cheat on a test.”

Answer #2

so only some people are worthy of having respect,esteem?? only some people are worthy of dignity?

Answer #3

Dignity is the right for everyone to be treated the same, with respect and care. To know yourself and be proud of who you are. To have different opinions to people and not care. It is also self respect. That everyday you can get up and look right at yourself in the mirror, and smile, not feel the need to be ashamed of who you are. It is to stand strong with your head held high, holding tight in what you believe. Thats what I’d define it as.

Answer #4

Dignity for me is refusing to lose heart, even if I lose everything else. Adversity can strip anyone of everything, except for the things that cant be stripped away, at least not without consent.

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