When are they going to declare who will be the president and what time?

my first time:)

Answer #1

Should be Wednesday morning, maybe tomorrow night but doubtful, at latest Thursday

Answer #2

Whats sure is that whoever wins is the guy with the most corporate backing…. Nothing will change… which is sad :(

Answer #3

The results are usually quite predictable early in the day or afternoon, but we should know the outcome by early evening.

I want to thank you Miss first time voter. Thank you for exercising the right that alot of people fought and died for us to have. (Now you also have the right to complain :) People who don’t vote need to keep their mouth shut :):):) Thanks again.

Answer #4

today? or 2morrow? and thanks..barely learning about politics:)

Answer #5


2 words and a letter : George W. Bush


Answer #6

Jenndue, it’s gonna be tomorrow tue the 6th. election day. If you voted early that’s great, but you still have to wait until everything is official. Notice I don’t care who you voted for right now, just glad you did!!!!!

Answer #7

cough Electoral College cough

Answer #8

Informer, I’m not quite sure I understand fully, but goodnight to you too and a couple words Ronnie Reagan……..would have never let this happen. In the 1980’s, any person who wanted a job had one, and a good job that paid well. He would have never signed NAFTA because he had character and was one of the last of the true Americans (of the modern age)

Answer #9

I think the point that informer is making is in the same vein as mine. The Electoral College is the one that casts the real ballot for President and that’s done somewhere in December because the members of the college are the ones being elected now and will vote later on. President Bush won an Electoral majority and had a popular minority which I think is what he is trying to say.

Answer #10

I understand thanks. I don’t aggree with the electoral colledge, but what can we do? Just keep voting and maybe one day something can change in regards to it. It has to do with “population” of certain states blah blah blah. Bottom line it’s about tax base……..very sad but the world we live in. :)

Answer #11

Yep …I couldn’t agree more “Cough. cough” and the “change” should start with real non rederick focus on govenrment of both parties and Supreme Court vs “We the people”. The only way to change any of it isn’t with the President but the Senate, Congress, and local elections. The more you know about the person running your own backyard…the more you influence the bigger picture.

Answer #12

The more people who take stands and don’t accept that arm chair approach …the better the odds. We the people got what we asked for like it or not.

Answer #13

If the count is too close to call, the election will take awhile to determine…not unlike George W Bush vs Al Gore which still holds questions to this day as to who was the decider in electing him…Noticed that business man/President….wasn’t making any rounds for his Repbulicon Party support of Romney….(Big Suprise) “We the people” or ?????. Nothing new when it comes to the little man vs money & power

Answer #14

Oops, I was referring to George W Bush…The other business man, made President.

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